COVID 19: NGOs start house-to-house vaccination initiative

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KUALA LUMPUR: Several non-governmental agencies (NGOs) have taken an initiative to help the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) in efforts to speed up the provision of vaccines among the people of this country.

The National Cancer Society of Malaysia (NCSM), the Malaysian Women’s Action for Tobacco Control and Health (MY WATCH), the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA), and my Nadi Foundation were among those involved on Tuesday starting a house-to-house vaccination program.

It involves people who are sick, bedridden, and the disabled (OKU) who are unable to go to public vaccination centers.

“Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we worked hard to make sure that patients with chronic diseases, including cancer, could continue to receive the care and treatment they needed through various initiatives.

“When the MOH contacted us to ask in this vaccination initiative, we did not hesitate.

“We fully support all vaccination efforts to make sure the country recovers as soon as possible,” said Datuk Dr. Saunthri Somasundaram, President of the National Cancer Society of Malaysia.

“We from the NGO community support efforts to discuss this pandemic through various means.

“From providing medical equipment and necessities in government hospitals to food supply plans for dependents and patients in hospitals,” said Roslizawati Md Ali, President of MY WATCH.

This vaccine outreach program is regulated by the MOH Family Health Development Division and will be implemented in stages throughout the country as soon as possible.

Caregivers can register people under their care for inclusion in the program by calling the toll-free line 1800-88-1000 or emailing

Those who want to register as volunteers can call 03-26987300 or email