Advisers Help Students Grow

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LETTERS – The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted higher education. Given that physical classrooms are changing to hybrid teaching and learning, so we should reconsider the role of academic advising. Academic advisers are no strangers to universities because they are the academic staff who are lecturers and academic advisers.

University lecturers not only teach students, but they also make sure students are on track academically. If students’ grades are not satisfactory, academic advisers can assess their courses.

Academic advisers can recommend programmes for students that will boost their experience as students and their future professions. Most importantly, advisors can explain the registration and course selection processes.

To overcome these concerns, universities have identified digital tools to boost the teaching pedagogy. As teaching and learning have moved online, so did academic advising.

Since these advisors are not going to be replaced by technology, they should embrace it to offer better services. They should find other ways to communicate with students beyond face-to-face meetings. Online academic advising is important, especially during periods of potential disorientation and isolation for students.