Couple in India serves steaming bowls of Maggi noodles at wedding reception as special menu

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Somya Lakhani’s Twitter

A couple in India took their love for Maggi noodles to the next level after they decided to include the dish in their wedding reception recently.

Twitter user Somya Lakhani posted a photo taken during her cousin’s big day in New Delhi where the two-minute noodles were on the menu.

“I love my cousin for being so thoughtful and ensuring there is a Maggi counter at her wedding tonight,” she wrote.

The photo shows a wooden crate filled to the brim with packets of masala-flavoured Maggi and a chef frying up the springy noodles in a large pan nearby.

Lakhani’s tweet has been a hit with social media users who applauded the idea of serving the humble yet beloved dish at a wedding.

One user even suggested that caterers would be more than happy to include Maggi on the menu as it would reduce the number of main dishes to prepare.

“The caterer would be happy to oblige as the children would be filling up with Maggi while the main course can be reduced,” said @vikrant0107.

“No points for guessing, it would have been one of the most popular counters,” wrote @SheelMajumdar.

Another user said offering guests Maggi would be the perfect way to combat food waste during wedding celebrations.

“The best way to avoid wastage of food during functions like these. Nobody will dare to waste Maggi,” said @Shruthi28099213.

Maggi is a global brand consisting of seasonings, soups, and sauces, but the name has become synonymous with instant noodles in various countries around the world.

It is a well-loved comfort food for many Malaysians and one Negri Sembilan bride even gave packets of Maggi to her guests as wedding favours in 2019.

SOURCE: Malay Mail