KUALA LUMPUR – The government’s decision to make the wearing of face masks in health facilities and on public transportation not compulsory from July 5 shows that the government is ready to enter the COVID-19 endemic phase.
Malaysians, who were interviewed, welcomed the government’s new ruling pertaining to the easing of the standard operating procedures (SOPs) as announced by Health Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa today.
Diploma student R. Arese Nesi, 21, said the relaxation on the use of face masks on public transport is definitely encouraging as it indirectly shows that the COVID-19 situation in the country is recovering.
“If the situation is not good, surely the government will not relax the ruling. I feel very good because I do not need to wear it (face mask) when riding the LRT or MRT as they are always crowded, and wearing a face mask makes it difficult,” the second-year student majoring in communications at a local university told Bernama today.
Malaysia has been in the transition to the endemic phase since April 1, 2022.
Meanwhile, Lisa Licson, 25, who teaches at an international school, said the public now not need worry about being issued a compound or fined if they fail to comply with the regulations and stipulated SOP when in health facilities.
“The announcement that it is no longer necessary to wear a face mask is a good thing. I think the importance of wearing a face mask depends on each individual,” she said.
Muhammad Said Abdullah, 29, expressed his gladness over the government’s announcement but was also worried that the COVID-19 infection would return aggressively in the future.
“Before, as a Grab driver, I always told my passengers to mask up and would give them a face mask if they did not have one. Now, I will not need to do this anymore,” he said.
However, he will take precautions by using a face mask if he is having the flu, a cough or a fever to avoid spreading the infection to his passengers.
Digital social media executive Nik Nur Najla Nik Zaid, 24, has a different opinion as she feels public transport users cannot avoid being exposed to the risk of contracting COVID-19 due to crowd congestion.
“The LRTs are congested every time you take them to and from work, and we are not sure of the health of other passengers. So it depends on the individuals… if they are afraid or care for themselves, then they should use face masks even though its use is not compulsory now,” she said.