KPDNHEP has assured that there is sufficient supply of essential items

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The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) has assured that there is sufficient supply of essential items, especially food, in the market.

Deputy Minister Datuk Rosol Wahid said the ministry would ensure that supply is sufficient and prices are stable for the well-being of consumers, particularly in the face of the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“KPDNHEP monitors the supply chain of goods at the level of manufacturers, farmers, wholesalers and retailers to ensure an adequate supply of goods as well as to avoid the issue of price manipulation by traders.”

He said in a statement after conducting a check on a supermarket last night.

“Avoid panic buying, especially during the enforcement of the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO), as it will create excess and waste. It will also cause price hikes”

On action taken by the ministry, he said a total of 81 cases, involving various offences related to prices and supply of goods, were recorded since the implementation of the CMCO in Sabah, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya on 14 October.

“The cases involve a total seizure value of RM117,880 and 57 compounds, with the compound value that has been paid so far being RM14,200.”