Given the pandemic, it is very crucial to make living consciously a way of life by observing a balanced diet and exercise to have a healthy body and mind.
There is a need to look at ways to cope with the current situation and be more vigilant in how we live our lives.
Hence, Amway Malaysia has embarked on empowering Malaysians to embrace balance in their lifestyles.
University Malay Centre for Sport and Exercise Sciences senior lecturer and deputy director for research, Dr Sareena Hanim Hamzah said, “It is relevant to take care of ourselves in an effort to maintain good health while we are coping with the current situation.
“As we are constantly faced with the emergence of new Covid-19 variants, we should place great emphasis on observing our health by monitoring our diet and practising an active lifestyle.”
She add, while practising a well-balanced lifestyle, we should consistently observe our diet habits to provide sufficient energy and nutrients for the body and avoid overeating.
In order to remain active, it is also advisable to do at least 150 – 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week for substantial health benefits. This will helps pump up endorphins and reduce stress. Hence, we can maintain a balanced lifestyle.
Dietitian Indra Balaratnam says, “It is important to always practise a healthy diet for supporting our immune system. A good healthy diet with rich nutrition can reduce the likelihood of developing other health problems, such as obesity, heart disease or diabetes.”
Many people adding protein to their diet. There are various sources of protein. For example, the natural consumption of protein food, protein supplements and meal replacements. Protein has been related with muscle gain, muscle recovery or weight loss.
Indra explains, that protein is a macronutrient for our body and is broken down into amino acids. It is important for growth, maintenance of body tissues, metabolic regulation which helps in maintaining a healthy weight, curbing hunger and speeding muscle recovery. People can find natural protein in meat, egg and dairy products.
Protein can increasing neurotransmitters that communicate with our brain to make us feel awake and alert. Also, balanced breakfast can help us a lot to feel energised and more satisfyingly nourished.

Amway Malaysia recently conducted a social media poll asking Malaysians about their favourite breakfast beverages. It garnered responses from 1000 respondents.
According to the results, most Malaysians choose for their morning beverages such as coffee, tea and protein shakes.
Sareena says, people should including protein in every meal besides carbohydrates and other nutrients. Protein shakes can work as a complement to other dietary elements. Constant exercise combined with healthy consumption habits can also lead to a balanced lifestyle.
Amway Malaysia has collaborated with healthcare experts and dietitians to empower the general public on the importance of a balanced lifestyle and protein intake for overall health.
It also initiated a webinar called “Start Your Day Right With A Nutritious Drink”. The session is available for the public and can be accessed on Amway Malaysia’s Facebook page. For more information, please visit https://www.amway.my/.
Source: Meera Murugesan (NST.COM.MY)